Astrology & Healings

Welcome to my blog... This blog would be discussing & getting comments on topics of Islamic Astrology & Spiritual Healings as well as other interesting topics. The discussions would be posted primarily in three languages i.e. English, Malay & Arabic...

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Astrologi 1 : Bacaan Bagi Bintang Aries (الحمل)

Menurut Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Muqaddam di dalam Kitabnya Khazanah Rahsia Di Dalam Mentera & Zikir (خزانة الأسرار في الختوم والأذكار), salah satu daripada perawatan (healing) yang disyorkan bagi merawat atau memperkuatkan diri seseorang pesakit adalah dengan terlebih dahulu mengenalpasti bintang kelahiran seseorang. Bersempena dengan permulaan tahun baru musim bunga bagi bintang kelahiran, maka di sini akan dimulai dengan bintang Aries (الحمل).

Bacaan & Rawatan Bagi Lelaki Aries
Seorang lelaki kelahiran Aries merupakan antara kelahiran terbaik berhadapan dengan kebungaan, pembacaan (terbaiknya) adalah pada giginya ketiga, manakala sekiranya dilanjutkan usianya sehingga mencecah 90 tahun, akan muncul tanda nasib baik di dada atau anggotanya. Hari Khamis merupakan hari terbaik baginya maka disyorkan agar dia memakai pakaian yang baru pada hari tersebut. Setiap awal bulan akan terlihat kemudaan di wajahnya. Pertanian sangat munasabah bagi pekerjaannya. Ramai orang mendengki dan mengumpatinya. Terdapat tanda seorang wanita rendah ketinggiannya yang akan muncul dan merosakkan kerjanya serta membawanya ke belakang (kemunduran). Lelaki Aries merupakan seorang yang dermawan, akhir umurnya akan dipenuhi dengan peningkatan dalam urusan hidupnya dan pengembangan kuasanya, akan tetapi dia bakal kehilangan (kuasa)nya itu, oleh itu hendaklah dia memanfaatkannya di Jalan Allah supaya tidak kerugian. Hendaklah dia mengelakkan diri daripada tempat berair supaya tidak terkena penyakit disebabkan air, disebabkan penyakitnya banyak berpunca dari kepanasan dan kelembapan. Terdapat juga tanda kemunculan wanita yang diberkati di dalam hidupnya yang dengannya dia akan memperolehi dan mencapai apa jua yang dikehendaki. Dan sebaiknya hendaklah lelaki Aries sentiasa membawa bersamanya doa berikut :
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يا شمطسوله له الأسماء الحسنى يا حي يا قيوم يا حنّان يا منان يا ذاالجلال والإكرام يا رؤوف يا اهيّا شراهيا لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Spiritual Healings 1 : Zikr Allah

Healings & Treatments by Remembrance of God (Zikr Allah)
Indeed almost all remedies to treat sickness or heal from pains of hardship are in Remembrance of God (Zikr Allah) as mentioned, for example, in the Supplication (Du’a) Kumayl by Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (AS) :-
" يا من اسمه دواء وذكره شفاءٌ "
Meaning : O You (Allah) Who His Name is Medicine and His Remembrance is Healing.
Also in another sayings he said : Zikr Allah is weapon against Satan, and : Zikr Allah is supports for Belief and guards against Satan.
There are in facts lots of sayings and teachings from Prophet Mohamed (PBUH – peace be upon him) and Islamic scholars regarding the importance and advantages of healing with Zikr Allah. In general, this type of healings can be divided into two parts :-
  1. Zikr Allah to protect from any types of hardships and sickness so as they would not occur.
  2. Zikr Allah to heal the hardships or pains after they already occur.

In the first part of Zikr, Islam had taught lots of recitations to prevent oneself from being attacked by hardships and sickness, for example in one of the sayings of Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (AS) where he said that ‘Whoever recites, after the performance of Subh (dawn) prayer, ten times of ;
" سبحان الله العظيم وبحمده ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم "
Allah would protect him from blindness, madness, leprosy, poverty and destruction (of house) or being afraid of elderness’.
And also from the sayings of Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq when he said,’ Whoever recites, after the performance of Subh and Maghrib prayer, seven times of:
" بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم "
Allah would protect him from seventy types of disaster, the less of them are wind, leprosy and insanity’.

While, in the second part, the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and his fellow households as well as companions has given lots of remedies in terms of Zikr, depending on what types of disaster or problems faced by their followers.

I'll go on some of the examples one by one soon...

Monday, 23 March 2009

Spiritual Healings

Spiritual Healings can be defined as steps and ways taken in order to comfort any spiritual needs or problems. For instance, when someone faces whatever problems in life be it pscycologically or mentally such as depression, he surely needs to be calmed down or to calm it down himself. So, what are the steps or remedies to be taken, especially in Islamic perspective? As far as these types of remedies are concerned, there're 5 types of main problems faced by mankind in regards to spiritual problems, which are stated as below :-

  1. Material : Spiritual or mental problems due to hardships in worldly material life such as poverty, bankruptcy etc.
  2. Psycological : Spiritual or mental problems due to inner oneself low strentgh which causes problems such as tensions, depression etc.
  3. Health : Spiritual or mental problems due to bad health situations such as heart diseases, diabetes, strokes etc.
  4. Evil Interference : Spiritual or mental problems due to external disturbance of black magic (sihr), etc.
  5. Faith Test : Spiritual or mental problems due to disasters, family's death, defects in life etc.
Since Islam is said to be the complete way of life, does it have all the relevant effective remedies to heal or settle those problems? Now, let's look at it deeper...
Islamic scholars have given various opinions and guides in regards to spiritual healings, for example Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Muqaddam in his book Treasury of Secrets in The Seals & Rememberances of God (خزانة الأسرار في الختوم والأذكار), there are some remedies to be taken in spiritual healings in order to face any spiritual problems. The remedies are, among others :-
  1. Healings with Remembrance of God (الذكر)
  2. Healings with Names of God (الأسماء الحسنى)
  3. Healings with Surah Fatihah & Ayat al-Kursi
  4. Healings with Quran
  5. Healings with Entreaty/Tawasul (توسل)
  6. Healings with Fasting & Praying (الصوم و الصلاة)
  7. Healings with Prostration of Thankfulness (سجدة الشكر)
  8. Healings with Talisman/amulet (الأحراز)
  9. Healings with Donation/Charity/Give away Foods (الصدقة والإطعام)
  10. Healings with Numericals (الحروف)
  11. Healings with Food Supplements (تقوية الذاكرة بالأطعمة)
  12. Healings with Omens (الفأل)

We'll go in details one by one in my next posts, Insya-aLlah...

What's Islamic Astrology

In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful

As my first post...This site would discuss & get public opinions mostly about astrology and its relation to Islam. We would also discuss & post some tips regarding spiritual healings in accordance with Islamic guides. The discussions & articles in this site would also be posted in Malay Language (which is being used in more than 5 countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei & Singapore) as well as Arabic Language as a support to that..Ok..let's start...

When we are talking about astrology and its relation to Islam, it's not so difference from talking about connection between Islam and medicine, biology, astronomy and any other disciplines of knowledge. For example, if we say that Islam was the root of modern medical knowledge through its expansion by great Islamic scholars such as Ibn Sina (Avicenna), the fact that it was the same scholar who did explore this field of knowledge and then expanded it to the world could not be denied. This can be proven from many acknowledgements made in articles or sites written by Western Astrologists. Some of the examples can be seen in the sites below :-
1. Explore Astrology UK
Renaissance Astrology
Wikipedia Ensiklopedia

From the acknowledgements made in the above articles, as well as some proofs from Quranic verses and Prophet Mohamed's Tradition, we could say that astrology do play some important role in Islam. However, it totally depends on one's belief whether or not to accept this argumentation.